With DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool, users are able to kill zones with bad sectors or zones with bad heads.

You need firstly locate the bad sectors or bad heads by scanning the hdd and then use CHS<>LBA for conversion. After that, you can record the zone information of bad sectors so that you can move forward to ‘Kill Zone’ interface. Read more

DFL-WDII ‘Common FW and ROM Repair’ is one advanced hdd repair function for advanced users and we are here offering some general steps or ideas to run it.

When you are facing detailed hdd repair cases, you need to consider more and make best use of the common FW and ROM repair resources we offer on our website.

‘Common FW and ROM Repair’ Tips

Before you read the following instruction, it’s important to read this basic hdd repair steps with this function. The following are two situations to be used with ‘Common FW and ROM Repair’ function.

  • If undetected->Load Overlay/load ATA module->Format the firmware area->Load OVL->Write New DIR module/Module 01->Write Full Firmware Modules->Selftest
  • If detected->Write ROM>Restart the HDD->Write New DIR Module/Module 01->Power Off and Power On->Write Full FW Modules->Selftest


Within the new version of DFL-WDII HDD firmware repair tool, we added Common FW and ROM Repair function. This function is used to write the common firmware resources offered by DFL. Please do note that if you write other firmware resources with this function, you may cause severe damage to the HDD. Read more

Dear Clients of Dolphin Data Lab, we are proud to announce the new version of DFL-WDII HDD firmware repair tool.

Version No.: 2.3.5
Release Date: July 4, 2012
Read more

What is ARCO?

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ARCO-Advanced Read Communication Optimization. ARCO is usually used when the FW modules have a total replacement, otherwise, you don’t need to run ARCO at all or you may run the ’46 Optimize’only.

Steps to Run ARCO

Run ‘Initialization’ under ‘Online ARCO’ so that all the adaptive parameters, zone parameters, etc can be set to default and all logs will be cleared automatically;

Generation orders to run ARCO is to run ‘6f Optimize’,’6a Optimize’, ‘6b Optimize’,’69 Optimize’,’46 Optimize’. For some drives, you may run ‘6a Optimize’before ‘6f Optimize’if you fail to run ‘6f Optimize’in the beginning.

“One Button ARCO” is a combination of 6B TPI(Density) Correction, 69 Capacity Settings and 46 Optimize. Below ‘One Button ARCO’ in the DFL-WDII hdd repair program, you can find five separated Selftest processes and they are ‘6F Optimize’-TouchDn Correction, ‘6A Optimize’-GAP R/W Correction, ’46 Optimize’-Complete Channel Optimization, ’69 Optimize’-Capacity Settings, ‘6B Optimize’-TPI Correction.


ARCO Notes

Among them, 6F and 6A are for head optimization to enhance the head R/W capabilities. Read more

ROM regeneration is one very important and powerful WD hdd repair feature of DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool.

The following hdd repair tips are especially for WD ROYL HDD.

When do we use ROM Regeneration?

When we are going to use ROM regeneration, you may find the following WD HDD damage symptoms. Read more