[one_half first]
- Access
- Access Time
- Active Partitions
- Active Termination
- Actuator
- Actuator Arm
- Adapter
- Adaptive Caching
- Address
- Allocator
- American National Standards Institute
- Application
- Arbitrated Loop
- Arbitration
- Areal Density
- Asynchronous Transmission
- AT Bus Attachment
- Auto Park
- Average Access Time
- Average Seek Time
- Bad block
- Bad Track
- Bandwidth
- Bit
- Bit density
- Block
- Boot
- Boot Disk
- Boot Record
- Boot Sector
- Bootstrap
- Buffer
- Buffer Bandwidth
- Buffer under Run
- Build to order
- Burst Mode Transfer rate
- Bus
- Business Model
- Byte
- Cable Select (CSEL)
- Cache
- Capacity
- Card
- Channel
- Channel Assembly
- Clean Room
- Click
- Cluster
- Cold Bolt
- Command Aging
- Command Queuing
- Command Reordering
- Context Menu
- Controller
- Controller Card
- Cookies
- Correctable Error
- Crash
- Cross-linked files
- Cylinder
- Cylinder, Head, Sector (CHS) Addressing
- Data synchronizer
- Data transfer rate
- Database
- Dedicated landing zone
- Dedicated servo
- Defect free
- Defect management
- Defragment
- Desktop
- Differential SCSI
- Direct memory access
- Directory
- Disk
- Disk controller
- Disk drive controller
- Disk operating system
- Disk transfer rate
- Distribution channel
- Driver
- ECC On-the-Fly
- EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics)
- Embedded Servo
- Embedded Servo Control
- Encoding
- Encrypted data
- Enterprise
- Error Correction Code (ECC)
- Error Log
- Error Rate
- Executable
- Expansion Card
- Extended Partition
- Extract
- FAT (File Allocation Table)
- FAT32
- Fdisk
- Fetch
- Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop(FC-AL)
- File Loss
- File Repair
- Fibre Channel(FC)
- File
- File Allocation Table
- File System
- Firmware
- FIT (Functional Integrity Testing)
- Flow Control
- Flying Height
- Folder
- Form Factor
- Format
- Formatted Capacity
- Fragmentation
- Full-Duplex
- GB (Gigabyte)
- Giant MR (GMR)
- Graphics Adapter
- Half-Duplex
- Half-height Drives
- Hard Drive
- Hard Drive Industry
- Hard Drive Boot Sequence
- Hardware Data Loss
- Hard Error
- Hard Sectored
- Head
- Head Actuator
- Head Crash
- Head Disk Assembly(HDA)
- Head Loading Zone
- Head Stack Assembly
- Headerless Format
- Heat Sink
- High-Level Format
- High Level Formatting
- History
- Host
- Host Adapter
- Host Interface
- Host Transfer Rate
- Index Pulse Signal
- Initialization
- Initiator
- Input
- Interface
- Interface controller
- Interleave
- Interrupt
[/one_half][one_half last]
- I/O (Input/output)
- I/O Port
- Jumper
- Just-in-time(JIT)
- Kernel
- Kilobyte(KB)
- Landing Zone
- Laser Textured Media
- Latency
- LBA (Logical Block Addressing)
- Local Area Network(LAN)
- Logical Address
- Logical Drive
- Logistics Model
- Lost Cluster Chain
- Low-level formatting
- Low profile(LP)
- Magnetic flux
- Manufacturing Yield
- Master
- MB(Megabyte)
- Mechanical Latencies
- Media
- Megahertz (MHz)
- Memory
- MFM (Multiple Frequency Modulation)
- Mirroring
- Motherboard
- MR Heads (Magneto-resistive Heads)
- MTBF (Mean Time between Failures)
- MTTR(Mean Time to Repair)
- Multi-media
- Multi-user
- Network Computer
- NTFS( New Technology File System)
- Operating System
- Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
- Partition
- Partition Problem
- Partition Table
- Passive Termination
- Password Loss
- Path
- PC
- Peripheral
- Platform
- Platter
- Plug-and-Play(PnP)
- Port
- Prefetch
- Primary Partition
- PRML(Partial Response Maximum Likelihood)
- Product Road Map
- Programmed I/O
- Protocol
- Proximity Recording
- Qualification
- Queue
- Radial Path
- RAID (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks)
- R&D
- Read Channel
- Read Verify
- Read/Write Head
- Recoverable Error
- Registry
- RLL(Run Length Limited)
- ROM (Read Only Memory)
- Rotational Latency
- RPM (Revolutions per Minute)
- Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.)
- SATA (Serial ATA)
- SCA-2
- SCSI-1
- SCSI-2
- SCSI-3
- SCSI Configure Automatically (SCAM)
- SCSI device
- Sector
- Sector Slipping
- Seek
- Seek Time
- Sequential Access
- Serial Storage Architecture(SAA)
- Server
- Service Area
- Servo Burst
- SharePoint Database
- Single-ended SCSI
- Slave
- Slot
- Socket
- Soft Error
- Soft Sectored
- Soft Data Loss
- Spindle
- Spindle Motor
- Spindle Speed
- Spindle Synchronization
- Spreadsheet
- Storage Capacity
- Sub-1000 PC
- Subsystem
- Surface
- Synchronous Transmission
- System Files
- System Integrator
- System Registry
- System Rescue Disk
- Tagged Queuing
- Task File
- Terabyte
- Terminator
- Thin Client Architecture
- Thin Film
- Thin-Film Inductive Head(TFI)
- Time-to-Capacity
- Time-to-Market
- Time-to-Quality
- Time-to-Volume
- TPI(Tracks per inch)
- Track
- Track-to-track Seek Time
- Track Zero (Maintenance Track)
- Transfer Rate
- Translating BIOS
- Ultra ATA/100
- Ultra DMA/33
- Ultra SCSI
- Uncorrectable Error
- Unformatted Capacity
- Unrecoverable Error
- Untagged Queuing
- Unzip
- Upgrade
- UUencode
- Value-added Reseller(VAR)
- Video Adapter
- Virus
- Viterbi Detection
- Voice Coil
- Volume
- Warm Boot
- Winchester Disk
- Windows
- Wizard
- Word
- Workstation
- Write
- Write Cache
- Write Verify
- Zip
- Zip archive
- Zip file
- Zoned Recording