Dragon Boat Festival Holiday June 8-10 2024

Please be kindly informed that Dolphin Data Lab Headquarter will be closed for traditional Dragon Boat Festival holiday from June 8 to June 10. And resume to office on Tuesday, June 11 2024.

During this 3 day holiday, product delivery service and remote technical support service are not available, but will be handed right after holiday. Sorry for inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your attention.


About Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is a popular event in China, also it is a national holiday. It takes place on the fifth day of fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. This year it falls on June 10, Monday.

This celebration has been in existence for over 2000 years. What do people do to celebrate this Festival? We usually eat rice dumplings, drink realgar wine, and race dragon boats. Other activities includes hanging mugwort and calamus, taking long walks, writing spells and wearing perfumed medicine bags.

Dragon boat racing is the most popular part of this Festival. Boats are decorated to look like dragons. They can be up to 65 feet long. They can hold up to 22 people. Paddlers in the boat race train to paddle very quickly. They also train to paddle in sync with other team members. The team who wins the race believes they will receive good luck.


Happy Holiday, wish all Dolphin users good luck in 2024!

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