Upgrade Your DDP FRP DE To SRP Or DRE-4X Data Recovery Hardware
It’s now the best time for Dolphin users to upgrade the first generation and second generation DFL data recovery tools to the latest generation.
Users can find the DFL product development history here.
There are still some Dolphin users who are still using DFL-DE, DFL-FRP, DFL-DDP data recovery hardware. However, Dolphin team have released the latest DFL-SRP USB3.0, DFL PCIe DRE-4x data recovery hardware and these new hardware has a lot of new improvements on working efficiency, working ports and physical components.
Dolpin users with above mentioned hardware can select to upgrade to either DFL-SRP USB3.0 or DFL PCIe DRE-4x. Users can check the comparison chart between SRP USB3.0 and PCIe DRE-4x here.
One great news: The new DFL-SRP USB3.0 data recovery hardware is driver free hardware, users can use it on all new windows operating system including windows 7, windows 8, windows 10.
All dolphin existing users will get special price to get the latest hardware and get also special gifts for their bigger data recovery success.
Any question is welcome to sales@dolphindatalab.com or add Dolphin official skype: dolphin.data.lab