DFL-WD II HDD Repair Tool Version 2.4 Is Officially Released
To enable all DFL-WD II users to further enhance their hdd repair and data recovery capabilities, Dolphin Data Lab has officially released the DFL-WD II hdd repair tool version 2.4 and this new version has been available in the DFL-WD II user-only forum.
We always deliver the powerful and innovative hdd repair and data recovery solutions to our clients. within this new version, DFL users can get not only powerful hdd repair functions but also data recovery functions.
Users can now download the DFL-WDII version 2.4 here
With this new version, users can do many more what other hdd repair tools cannot do. For example, users can regenerate ROM for PCB 1640 and newer series whose traditional modules-module 102, 103,…108 are empty. We use special techniques to extract module elements from the firmware and combine into new original ROM.
As for all ROYL series, even if the hard drives are undetected, users can load LDR, import module dir(users can either import a module dir or have the program search the dir automatically) and then regenerate the ROM directly, not requiring like before to read the traditional modules to regenerate.
As for PCB 1692, 1698 and newer series, it’s not possible to read modules or tracks normally as other drives by loading LDR, with DFL-WDII, we add the option to load module 13 first to control the buffer and then load 11 into effect so that we can read the tracks and modules and test the modules and find out which modules are damaged and then repair and have it ready for data recovery.
Besides above three, users can use head map editing in RAM for a higher success rate disk imaging and file recovery for hard drives with single head damage or degraded heads.
Multiple and powerful new hdd repair functions are the other highlight we can see in DFL-WDII hdd repair tool version 2.4, such as sector wipping, adding bad sectors by LBA range, cut bad zones for Marvell-L series, SF Logs repairing, being compatible with WD USB hdds, etc.
Users can learn more about DFL-WDII hdd repair tool by email to sales@dolphindatalab.com or buy this powerful hdd repair tool from our online data recovery system with PayPal account.