
This Seagate ST2000LM007-1R8174 faulty hard drive was capacity 0 detected and after initial firmware repair there’re many bad sectors by logical scan.

Patient HDD ID:

Model : ST2000LM007-1R8174
Serial : WDZKYE4W
Firmware : EB01
Capacity : 3907029168 (1863.02GB)
Sector size : 4096
Heads number : 4

FW info : Obtained
FW version : R1AEA069E.SDM4.AA4901.EB01
FW package P/N : 100849195
FW ID : 00305567
FW creation date : 2019/01/22
FW creation time : 20:23:31
CFW version : R1AEA069E.SDM4.AA4901.01618036.0
SFW1 version : 0305567.EB01

Modules list : Obtained
Modules number : 57

Patient HDD Failure Symptoms:

Undetected/wrongly detected/Many bad sectors

Required HDD repair tools and Data Recovery Tools to recover lost data:

DFL Seagate HDD Repair Tool
DFL DDP Data Recovery Equipment

HDD Repair and Data Recovery Steps:

1, Backup ROM;
2, Generate unlock ROM and write unlock ROM;
3, Power off and on and send unlock key;
4, Backup important sys files;
5, Clear g-list, clear smart;
6, Initialize ID (ATA), clear media cache, disable vacant active, etc.

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This is one successful western digital undetected hard drive firmware repair and data recovery case study from one DFL user in India.

Patient HDD ID:

Model number: WDC WD20NPVZ-00WFZT0
Serial Number: WD-WXN1A776ZHTN
Capacity: 1863GB
Head number: 8
SPT: 1480

Patient HDD Failure Symptoms:

Undetected/data inaccessbile

Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tools and Data Recovery Hardware Tools Required:

DFL Western Digital HDD Repair Tool
DFL DDP Data Recovery Equipment

Hard Drive Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Steps:

Backup ROM;
Disable 411 and restart firmware;
Refresh hdd ID;
Backup hard drive firmware modules (important modules);
Slow fix-mode 1;
Enable 411 and restart firmware;
Refresh hdd ID;
Open DFL-DDP data recovery equipment and software;
Set up head map and image good heads and good sectors and then weak heads and sectors;
Finally all lost data was recovered from the faulty WD hard drive.

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This is one nice data recovery case study from one DFL user in India, the patient drive is firmware locked and the data area is not accessed.

Model : ST1000VX005-2EZ102
Serial : Z9CC69D2
Firmware : CV11
Capacity : 1953525168 (931.51GB)
Sector size : 4096
Heads number : 2

Rst 0x40M
2Sync:01 0E

EDAC Value = 00000000FFFFFFF5

EDAC Value = 00000000FFFFFFF5
Retry delay

EDAC Value = 00000000FFFFFFF5

EDAC Value = 00000000FFFFFFF5
Retry delay
LD: Size:00000028 HBlocks:0000 Size:002BD17F HBlocks:0032 Size:00282A49 HBlocks:0032 FlashRestore 00000000 00000028 ECBD
PP: Size:0000B400 HBlocks:0000 FlashRestore
PVTSize: 000150C8 CompSize: 000002B2 DeCompSize: 000150C8 00000000 000002B2 9E03
2Sync:00 04
No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1
2Sync:01 0C
Boot 0x40M

RECOV Servo Op=0100 Resp=0005
RECOV Servo Op=0055 Resp=0005[LBA=0x00006B6F]N[LBA=0x00006C28]N0[LBA=0x00006D5D]N0[LBA=0x000070A1]N0[LBA=0x000070C2]N0[LBA=0x0000737C]N0[LBA=0x000073EB]N0[LBA=0x000074EE]N0[LBA=0x00007500]N0[LBA=0x0000775C]N0

Rst 0x40M
2Sync:01 0E
2Sync:01 0E
2Sync:01 0E
2Sync:01 0E
2Sync:01 0E

(P) SATA Reset

LD: Size:00000028 HBlocks:0000 Size:002BD17F HBlocks:0032 Size:00282A49 HBlocks:0032 DiscRestore 00000000 00000028 04ED
PP: Size:0000B400 HBlocks:0000 DiscRestore
PVTSize: 000150C8 CompSize: 000002B2 DeCompSize: 000150C8 00000000 000002B2 9E03
2Sync:00 04

ASCII Diag mode

F3 T>^l

Diagnostic Port Locked

To fix above patient drive, the user used DFL Seagate hdd repair tool to backup rom, generate unlock rom, write unlock ROM, power off and on, send unlock key, backup important SYS files, clear g-list, regenerate translator, etc.

After fixing the firmware area, the users tested the data area and found there’re some bad sectors in the front, the middle and ending parts of data areas were accessible.

The user set up head map, edited the LBA range to image the patient hdd by heads within DFL-DDP data recovery equipment and finally most data was recovered, only some system files were missing which are not important at all.

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Dolphin Data Lab has released the new DFL all in one data recovery software V20230301 to work with the data recovery hardware tools.

The new V20230301 data recovery software has been uploaded to DFL user-only forum and users can login the forum to upgrade to the latest. It’s strongly recommended for all DFL users to upgrade to latest for the best firmware repair and data recovery success rate.

What’s new in this new software upgrade?

01: ST8000NM0105 G001 G004 Firmware Repair Support Added to DFL Seagate HDD Repair Tool, other firmware versions can be unlocked with old software. There’s now a new mode option-Mode 2 when users are trying to generate the unlock ROM, users need to select mode 2;
02: Seagate SMR hdd format data recovery such as rosewood EB01 format recovery;
03: Seagate weak head repair for new F3 families for data recovery purpose, it is very helpful for some weak head cases which don’t require head swap;
04: DFL-DDP image setting enhancement: enhance success rate for the following drives and cases:
WD SMR drives with all sectors 0000, Seagate drives SEDU, 241A, etc.
05: Full firmware repair and data recovery software codes improvement to get the software working more smoothly and excellently;

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This is one Seagate Rosewood portable hard drive-ST2000LM007 and when our engineer was trying to backup the firmware modules, it’s very slow with some slight noises.

It seems like some noises from the heads, seems like some kind of damage on the heads but actually not.

Patient HDD ID:

Model number: ST2000LM007-1R8174
Serial number: WDZVJ06Z
Firmware: EB01
Capacity: 3907029168
Sector Size: 4096
Heads number: 4
Family: Janus (AF)

ST2000LM007 Error messages:


T:0x0000 0x3FFFFFFF

TCC:0014:001D EMCDataErr:0000000C














TCC:0014:0019 EMCDataErr:00000000


It’s very easy to fix above firmware failure and get the ST2000LM007 patient hdd repaired by DFL Seagate hdd repair tool.

All users need to do is to go to the ‘Defects Management’>Initialize ID (ATA) and it’s just one simple click to fix above issue.

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This is one second-hand Seagate ST8000NM0105 enterprise SED HDD data recovery case from one DFL user in Germany and the user couldn’t recover the lost data with any other tools because they couldn’t unlock the firmware area properly and couldn’t repair the firmware corruption.

This user applied for remote support and wish his case could be fixed by DFL Seagate hdd repair tool and remote support.

Patient HDD ID:
Model number-ST8000NM0105
FW version: G004
Family-MakaraPlus (91)

Patient HDD symptoms:
Capacity 0
Firmware unlock failure

ST8000NM0105 Data Recovery Steps:

01: Backup ROM;
02: Generate adaptive ROM by DFL Seagate hdd repair tool;
03: Power off and on and …;
04: …
05: Send unlock key and backup important sys files;
06: View NGlist;
07: Clear G-list and regenerate translator.

Read complete steps here in the Dolphin user-only forum.

After firmware corruption is fixed, users can go to DFL-DDP data recovery equipment to image the patient HDD or extract the lost files directly.

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The following is one email from one DFL user in Germany asking for the compatibility between two Seagate hard drives, one of which requires head swap.

‘DONOR is ST1000DX001
Patient HDD: ST1000DM003


i have here a Seagate ST1000DM003 – Drop down failure.

In first test i can see error message = damaged heads / and may be platter damaged

FAIL Servo Op=0100 Resp=0003
ResponseFrame EC40 0046 03B2 4900 0008 0000 0000 0000 0966 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 57D1 F98F FFFF 2000 2412 0000 0000 4947 0000 4947 0000 007F 0000 0020 0012 0004 0000
FAIL Servo Op=0100 Resp=0003

I have only one donor HDD – ST1000DX001 and i know many people change heads between different hdds
and the preamp is the same.

Question: should i change the heads without create adaptive rom? (DM/DX possible !?)
or must i create a adaptive rom?

Or does it make no sense to swap the heads, what is your recommendation?

Patient: ST1000DM003 – 2 Heads
Preamp: B2 03
S/N: Z1D
PN: 9YN162
Family: Grenada

Donor: ST1000DX001 – 2 Heads
Preamp: B2 03
S/N: Z1D
PN: 9YN162
Family: Grenada”

For Seagate hard drive head swap, users need to check the preamp type, family, PCB number and sometimes head map, for some drives, even they have the same model number, they may have different head map.

After head swap, if the drive clicks, users need to create adaptive rom and write adaptive rom and try again. For the head swap cases, it’s very important for users to air blow the platters and the hdd inner parts and also need to check the surfaces carefully.

Tools required to fix above cases:

DFL Seagate hdd firmware repair tool
DFL DDP data recovery equipment
Seagate hdd head replacement tool

Any question is welcome to or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one successful Seagate HDD data recovery case study from one DFL user in India.

Patient HDD failure symptoms:

Capacity 0/wrongly detected;
Partial sector access;
Wrong data area/undetected data

Patient HDD iD:

Model number: ST2000LM009-1R9174
Firmware version: SED1
Capacity: 3907029168 (2T)

Seagate HDD Firmware and Data Recovery Steps:

01, Enter DFL Seagate HDD firmware repair software;
02, Backup ROM;
03, Generate unlock ROM;
04, Write unlock ROM;
05, Power off and on and send unlock key;
06, Backup nglist, translator, primary defect lists and SYS348, SYS93;
07, Fix media cache by Initialize by ID;
08, Clear glist and regenerate translator;
09, Fix partial sector access issue;
10, Fix wrong data issue.

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This is one Western Digital dead hard drive data recovery case study for one DFL user in USA. The patient HDD had the original PCB burnt and the hdd didn’t power up at all.

HDD model number: WD10EAVS
PCB number: 771537
Family: Kermit

HDD repair tools and Data Recovery equipment used in this case study: DFL-WD hdd firmware repair tool and DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Data Recovery Steps:

1, The DFL user had one donor hdd, he made a backup of firmware, rom;
2, Installed donor PCB to patient HDD, load donor ATA modules, enter DFL-WD program, original hdd firmware modules were found and read successfully;
3, Loading module 01 to load module list, loading module dir to RAM;
4, Writing donor modules to patient HDD and firmware restart;
5, Writing original key firmware modules 03, 31, 32, 36, 40, 49, 4A;
6, Firmware restart and the data area could be accessed normally.

Please note: the donor fw need to be from the same family, similar microcode.


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This is one patient HDD firmware repair and data recovery case study from one DFL user in Indonesia.
Patient HDD ID: Seagate ST9500325AS Wyatt 3C
Symptom: Capacity 0 with the following com terminal error messages:

‘Rst 0x08M
RW cmd 0002 req = 89 3E 00 00 17 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 8C 08 00 87 97 09 00 08 8C 08 00
opts = 00001121
RW Err = C4090082
RW cmd 0002 req = 89 3E 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 8C 08 00 87 97 09 00 08 8C 08 00
opts = 00001121
RW Err = C4090082
RW cmd 0002 req = 75 5F 02 00 17 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 8C 08 00 87 97 09 00 08 8C 08 00
opts = 00001121
RW Err = C4090082
RW cmd 0002 req = 75 5F 02 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 8C 08 00 87 97 09 00 08 8C 08 00
opts = 00001121’

To fix the capacity 0 and RW Err, users need to backup rom and firmware modules and sys files and next the engineer got partial sector access issue.

To fix the partial sector access issue for this patient hdd, users need to use the partial sector access auto fix solution, just one click to fix by DFL Seagate hdd repair tool.

Finally the data area was fully accessed by DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

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