Seagate is one of the biggest hard drive manufacturers besides western digital and seagate hard drive repair and seagate data recovery cases are very common within all our data recovery labs. This article will introduce to you the basic and important firmware modules of Seagate hard drive.

There’re two parts of firmware located on the platters’ minus tracks and ROM chip on the PCB, we call the part on the platter SA-service area or FW(firmware area).

A complete Seagate hard drive firmware contains  APP, Cert, Cert table, ATA(7200.10 and .9 contains ATA 0 and ATA 1) and vendor modules and ROM module.

APP module: it’s necessary to load within level F command mode and it’s one codes module;

CERT module: it’s one selftest module;

CERT table: selftest process module;

ATA interface protocol module: after selftest, it’s necessary to load ATA;

Vendor info module: after selftest, it’s necessary to load ventor module.

Seagate hard drive can work on both normal mode and safe mode too like WD hard drive. Within safe mode, power on the hdd, the pcb is ready but the motor doesn’t spin up. When users want to read/write APP and ROM, it’s necessary to operate within safe mode. Anyway, functions within safe mode is limited.

Normal mode: most functions are run within normal mode and selftest needs to be run within normal mode too;

Safe mode: PCB mode and firmware is not working at all, when the APP module is damaged, the hdd enters level F command mode.

Dolphin Data Lab will soon release its own unqiue powerful Seagate hard drive firmware repair tool-DFL-STII hdd firmware repair tool with unique repair and recovery functions no other seagate repair tools don’t have and any question is welcome to